Map of Players Team and Player count

Amazing participation

2-weeks after we Soft launched, more than 70 Teams and nearly 500 Players (Parents) have signed up. We knew we weren’t alone in our frustration with how ineffective the old method of Picking Up was. We know we aren’t the 1st people to have this idea. Perhaps we aren’t even the 1st people to act on that idea and build a site (or App) like this. What makes us different is our passion for youth sports and helping Parents support their Athletes desire to play more. Other’s who’ve tried this approach before were likely focused on their Player or their Team and not the overall community. Our own son is nearly aged out of Travelball (he’s playing 16U this summer). So we’re building this service to support other Parents who are earlier in their journey. So they don’t have some of the same frustrations that we had. We hope that you will continue to support this website and share it with your circle of influence.